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William "Bill" Klug (June 19, 1976 – June 1, 2016) was a beloved friend and colleague, an inspiring mentor and, above all, a cherished husband and devoted father.

In the words of those who knew him best, he was an unwaveringly kind and gentle man. His wellspring of patience and generosity knew no bounds, and we will continue to remember the warmth and camaraderie that made Bill such a remarkable individual.

A proud Bruin, Bill earned his master’s degree in civil engineering from UCLA and returned soon after to become a well-respected professor in mechanical and aerospace engineering. As professor, Bill received a number of prestigious awards, including a National Science Foundation Career Award and his department’s Samueli Teaching Award. Bill served as a trusted guide to students who continue to carry his work forward through their own academic success.

Bill’s research pursuits also made an indelible impact on the lives of many. Through his work in computational biomechanics, he dedicated himself to research focused on understanding how the mechanics of biological systems affect their function, and most recently was researching the electro-mechanics of the heart.

To honor Bill and his many contributions, the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science has created the Bill Klug Memorial Scholarship Fund. The fund will be used to support promising UCLA undergraduate students in mechanical and aerospace engineering who positively contribute to the campus community.

The endowed scholarship was established with a generous initial gift from Arconic and the UCLA Chancellor’s Centennial Scholars Match program. Contributions to this fund will increase the level of support provided to students.

Thank you for your continued commitment to outstanding members of the UCLA family.

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  Middle name:
* Last name:  
   I am making this gift as a proxy for my organization/company, which should be recognized as the legal donor
UCLA graduation year(s):  

  UCLA graduation year(s):

Joint Gift
* This is a joint gift with
my spouse/partner

Contact Information
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Matching Gift

  My/my spouse's employer will match my gift.
  Company name for matching gifts:
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Tribute Gift
Please check this box if you would like to honor a family member, faculty member, business associate, community leader, or other with your contribution.
Payment method:
I am interested in learning more about creating a scholarship or fellowship.
This gift is anonymous.