An innovative partnership between the UCLA Chancellor's Office and the VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System, the UCLA/VA Veteran Family Wellness Center (VFWC) is the first Center of its kind in the national VA system. The VFWC is located aboard the 388-acre West Los Angeles VA Campus that will become the site of 1200 units of permanent housing for Veterans and their families over the next 10 years. The VFWC offers access to wellness-based resilience services including TeleWellness (throughout the state of CA) and in-person support to Veterans and their families including couples and children of all ages. The skilled providers at the VFWC are experts in the unique needs of Veteran families including individual, couple, and family resilience programming, events and workshops, and quality referrals to traditional mental healthcare and other community resources. Veterans and family members of all service eras regardless of discharge status or VA-benefit status can receive services, and the Center is open to Veterans and their families for both drop-in and scheduled services during family- friendly hours. The VFWC offers specialized programming in the areas of: