With your support, the UCLA Center for Cannabis and Cannabinoids can conduct innovative, groundbreaking research designed to understand the impact of cannabis on the brain, the body, and society. . More people are turning to cannabis for a variety of medical reasons: as a path to health and well-being, to alleviate mild health conditions and symptoms, and even to address chronic debilitating diseases. This trend is occurring despite little information to guide consumers, patients, and health professionals on the safety and effectiveness of cannabis. In addition to those using these products for medical reasons, the legalization of cannabis for recreational purposes has been associated with negative consequences. We are at a pivotal point when it is a public health imperative to understand the impact of changing cannabis policies and the health outcomes of cannabis use. However, nearly a century of research restrictions and limited funding have contributed to a lack of scientific knowledge about cannabis, particularly in regards to its potential therapeutic use. With your support, the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative can conduct innovative, groundbreaking research designed to understand the impact of cannabis on the brain, the body, and society. This work is essential to developing the evidence needed to educate the public, guide health care providers, and inform public policy.
If the donor wishes to make a gift of $5,000 or more, please contact Amy Drizhal Senior Director of Development, Neuroscience: ADrizhal@mednet.ucla.edu (310) 773-7436