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Invest in Tomorrow’s Champions Today
Thank you for your support of UCLA student-athletes through your gift to the Wooden Athletic Fund. The Wooden Athletic Fund is dedicated to honoring the educational and athletic legacy of Nell and John Wooden and generates financial support to assist in covering program expenses such as scholarships, academic services, life-skills development, team travel, operational costs and recruiting efforts. Every gift has a positive impact on UCLA student-athletes’ ability to succeed in the classroom, in competition and in the community.

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).

If you have any questions about this donation, please contact the Wooden Athletic Fund office at (310) 206-3302.
* I would like to make
Pledge schedule to be completed by December 15, 2022
First payment to be made at this time
Recognition Year Recognition Level* Due Date Gift Amount*
2022-2023 5/02/2022