The Annual Entertainment Symposium is a flagship event for the entertainment industry, bringing together hundreds of leading executives, lawyers, agents, managers and producers with students for candid discussions on subjects at the forefront of the industry. This year's sellout event will convene inperson on Friday, June 27, 2025 and virtually until September 30, 2025, gathering top executives and some of the brightest legal minds to illuminate current trends and challenges facing the industry today.
*The permitted tax deduction for these gifts is normally the amount of the contribution less the value of the complimentary tickets; however, this notice is not intended as tax advice. Please consult your own counsel. ** Sponsor to provide video acknowledgment. UCLA School of Law reserves the right for final approval of all artwork.
***Gifts for which a donor is entitled to receive any return benefits (e.g., meal, parking, etc.) must be paid by individuals or entities other than a Donor Advised Fund.
****Donor advised funds (e.g., Fidelity gift fund) and corporate matching platforms (e.g., Benevity, OneCause, etc.) do not permit donors to receive benefits in exchange for gifts they've made. If you wish to receive the benefits from this event, please pay with a source of funds other than a donor advised fund or corporate matching platform.