Sign In

Funds donated to the USAC Student Programming Endowment directly support UCLA’s student groups and student government, who work to enhance the Bruin experience through events and advocacy.

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
*I would like to make:
  Other $

* First name:
  Middle name:
* Last name:
   I am making this gift as a proxy for my organization/company, which should be recognized as the legal donor
  Birth date (mm/dd/yyyy):
UCLA graduation year(s):

  UCLA graduation year(s):

Joint Gift
* This is a joint gift with
my spouse/partner

Contact Information
* Street:
U.S. Addresses  
*   City, State, Zip:
Non-U.S. Addresses  
  Non-U.S. City/County
  or Province/Postal Code:
* This address is my:
* Home telephone:
Business telephone:

* E-mail address:
* This e-mail is my:

Matching Gift

  My/my spouse's employer will match my gift.
  Company name for matching gifts:
  This company is:
Tribute Gift
Please check this box if you would like to honor a family member, faculty member, business associate, community leader, or other with your contribution.
Payment method:
I am interested in learning more about how I can include UCLA in my estate plan.
I am interested in learning more about creating a scholarship or fellowship.
This gift is anonymous.