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Westside Bruins and Bruin Professionals
Spring Hike

Join the Westside Bruins and Bruin Professionals (Westwood, Century City, Silicon Beach, Encino, Beverly Hills) for a hike at Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area. We will hike a loop around the park which is approximately around 2.5 to 3 miles. Please make sure that you are prepared with appropriate footwear, sunscreen and/or a hat, and plenty of water.

Saturday, April 5
8:30 a.m.

Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area
4100 S La Cienega Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90056

Cost: Free. On-site parking available for $7.

For any questions, please contact Morvareed Salehpour at

Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).
Event Tickets
Donation Option

I would like to make an additional donation to The UCLA Alumni Association Support Fund.

If you do not want to register for the event, but would still like to make a donation, please click here.

I would like to make a fully tax-deductible gift of   Other $

Grand Total:

* First name:
  Middle name:
* Last name:
   I am making this gift as a proxy for my organization/company, which should be recognized as the legal donor
UCLA graduation year(s):

Contact Information
* Street:
U.S. Addresses  
*   City, State, Zip:
Non-U.S. Addresses  
  Non-U.S. City/County
  or Province/Postal Code:
* This address is my:
* Home telephone:
Business telephone:

* E-mail address:
* This e-mail is my:

If your transaction includes a payment, please select method.
Payment method:
 Job Title:
 Company Name:
Guest Information
The following fields are required for all of your additional guests.
If you are the main registrant, no need to include yourself below as we have your information above.

Your First Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Second Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Third Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Fourth Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Fifth Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Sixth Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Seventh Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Eighth Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
Your Ninth Guest:
 * First Name:
 * Last Name:
 Gender Pronoun:
 Do you have any accommodations requests?:
 * UCLA Affiliation:
 * Email address:
 UCLA graduation year:
